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Horizon Services Truck

Comfort is on the Horizon



The cold winter months are fast approaching and it’s time to put some focus on items in the household that don’t usually get thought about until it’s too late: the plumbing and heating. Individually, when either of these encounter a problem, it can be a daunting task. However, did you know that in the winter time, if the heater stops working, it can also impact the plumbing?

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Not many people understand the connection between these two and in any other time of the year, they wouldn’t impact one another. In the winter, because of what cold weather can do to pipes in the home, the heating becomes that much more important. Here are some things you should know regarding your heating and plumbing.

What Problems Occur to Plumbing in Winter

When it comes to cold winter weather, plumbing issues intensify because of the temperatures. The lower the temperature drops, the more potential problems that you can encounter. You run the risk of a pipe burst due to the water inside freezing. This is a common problem in areas where temperatures drop drastically. Luckily, there are a few things that can help homeowners avoid this problem that don’t involve a heater.

  • Letting water run out of the pipe can keep it moving, making it more difficult for it to freeze over. Allow your outdoor faucets to drip slightly.
  • Repair any breaks or holes in the pipes to help ensure the cold temperatures don’t reach the water inside, causing it to freeze.
  • Insulate pipes around the water heater and in areas where they may be exposed to the weather. The insulation can protect it from the elements.

While these are helpful tips to keep the pipes from freezing, there may be some areas in the home that can be affected still. That can be fixed, however, as long as your heater is working correctly.

How Proper Heating Helps Winter Plumbing Issues

Imagine this: You have prepped around your home to keep your pipes safe, but when you go to turn the heater on and protect yourself from the winter cold, it doesn’t work. You’re left with your vents blowing out cool air instead of the heat you want. How does this affect your plumbing?

If the cold temperatures start to affect the inside of the home to the point you are unable to warm it up, just think of what it is doing to the pipes. You can’t just turn off the water because you need it for showers, dishes, and any other chores you may have to do. But with cold weather reaching inside your home, it can do a number on your pipes.

Repairing your heating means you get to keep your home at a warm, comfortable temperature and keep your pipes from experiencing serious issues. There are still some issues that you may encounter, but having a skilled plumber take a look before the weather gets cold is one way you can help the situation and avoid even more damage.

At Horizon Services, we are dedicated to ensuring our customers have the working plumbing and heating systems they need to get through the year unscathed. Our goal is to help provide repair or replacement services when you need it most.

If you are encountering heater or plumbing issues, trust our team to come out and get the repairs done right. You don’t want to be uncomfortable in your own home. Let us assess the problem, recommend the repairs you need, and help get your home working like normal again.

Call us today and schedule your appointment to learn how we can help you.


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